Rabu, 21 Juli 2010

Aceh Tourism With The Unique Cultures

January 22, 2010 By: admin The Island of : Sumatera

Seudati Dance And Saman Dance

Seudati dance initially grown in Gigieng village, Simpang Tiga subdistrict, Pidie district, led by Sheikh Tam. Then developed into the village Didoh, Pearl District, Pidie District, led by Sheikh Ali Didoh. Seudati dance from Pidie district, Aceh – Indonesia. Seudati danced by eight men as the main dancer, consisted of one leader called a Sheikh, Sheikh one assistant, two assistants on the left called Apeetwie, one person behind the maid called Apeet tub, and three assistants normal. In addition, there are two singers as a dance accompanist called Aneuk Syahi.

Saman Dance, Aceh Tradition, Aceh cultures

The type of dance does not use the instrument, but only brought a few movements, like clapping hands to the chest and hips, stomping feet on the ground and the passage of a finger. Movement to the rhythm and tempo of the song that was sung. Several movements are quite dynamic and lively with great enthusiasm. However, there are some movements that seemed stiff, but actually shows strength and valor of the dancers. In addition, clapping his hands to his chest and stomach at the same time imposing warrior pride. Seudati’s cloth consisting of long pants and long sleeve T-shirts are tight, both white; Songket wrapped around the thighs and waist length; Rencong (knife weapon) inserted at the waist; Tangkulok (headband), which tied a red head and a handkerchief colored. Dress uniform is only for the main players, while not necessarily syahi aneuk dress uniform. The most important parts of the dance consists of Seudati likok (force; dance), Saman (melodies), rhythmic agility, and story telling of the story of heroism, historical and religious themes.

developed in Central Aceh regions, especially in Gayo society. Saman dance itself was born arround XIV century, until today is still growing and still in its original form, which is almost in every village in this region warrant. The dance created and developed by an Islamic religious leader called Sheikh Saman, so the name of the dance similar (synonyms) a creator himself. Saman dance is the development of the art of dance, which originally was called “Pok pok Ane” is singing a poem to the accompaniment of clapping hands, pat his chest and thigh slap. Then by Sheikh Saman Pok pok Ane art is altered and embellished with various variations. There was movement applause, pat your chest, thigh with his right hand and left, changing the turn, so was born Sarah saman Uman, Manjik Saman and others. Saman dance can be classified as entertainment / performances, because performances of dance is not bound by time, event or a particular ceremony. Can be displayed at every opportunity that is noise and joy. Saman is usually done at home, field, and some that use the stage. His appearance is the big day, wedding, holidays and others. The show is usually done at night, and can last until the morning when of the match.

Rencong Aceh Is A Traditional Weapons

Rencong is one of the traditional arts, from ancient times Rencong Functioning in use as follows: As a jewelry; Rencong is used daily as an ornament (clothing) is tucked at the waist; as art (sculpture) and art tools such as used in Seudati dance performances. Rencong as a tool used as a tool symbols stem of sago palm and the like. Rencong, Aceh, traditional, arts, ornamentRencong as a weapon of war against enemies who wanted to colonize the war in Aceh such as Indonesia, Dutch, and so on.

Rencong Aceh, traditional weapon, aceh ornament

According to historical records began to be used Rencong during the reign of Sultan Ali Mugayatsyah Kingdom of Aceh in the years 1514-1528. At that time was still oriented toward the Islamic faith which is very influential in the social cultural life in local communities aceh. Thus Rencong position is as follows: The handle is Curved and thickened at the elbow portion Ba is the Arabic alphabet; shaped handle grip of the Arabic script Sin; acute forms of downward on the base metal near the handle is Arabic Mim; lane-lane iron from the base of the handle until the end of the Arabic Lam and the pointed tip of the upper flat and lower portion is slightly Curved upward Ha is the Arabic alphabet. Thus a series of letters, BA, MIM, and HA LAM was manifest phrase “BISMILLAH”. This is related to the heroic spirit in the form of sharp weapon that is used as a weapon of war to Defend Islam from the colonial anti-Islamic people. We present for the Aceh Besar area where there Rencong forging in the village of Temple (Sibreh) and the village Lamblang (Darul Imarah). In ancient times this place forging spread across Aceh Besar, among other things: Village Pandee; Seuneulop; Lam Blang; Baid; Ulee Kareng; Pakuk Lam; Indrapuri; SEULIMEUM; Lhong and so on. But for now these places there are still deceived, and many are already deceived no longer. This is caused by a factor of human resource capacity because of limited capital and business. Rencong Types include: Rencong Meupucok, Rencong Meucugek, Rencong Meukuree and Rencong Pudoi.

Raya Island, Aceh Outlying Islands

Raya Island communities, including the community are devout religious running. Many social activities are carried out nuanced religion/celebration of the Islamic religion. Celebration activities are not always focused on a particular place. In addition, Raya Island people familiar with the activities of mutual cooperation in making public infrastructure or the implementation of a celebration.

Raya Island,  coral reefs, Shallow Water, lagoon

These habits make people’s lives in the Raya Island live in harmony, especially before the tsunami. Raya, Island, beach, coral reefs, snorkeling, diving, Shallow Water, lagoon Raya island was once a stronghold of the island in Aceh where the Dutch colonial period and now a tourist attraction because of the historical legacy of the fallen soldier’s grave. In addition, Raya Island is also a tourist fishing. In the north there are coral reefs to attract tourists who enjoy snorkeling and diving. The condition of coral reefs around the island waters looks uniform with a wide range of coral reef averaging between 100 to 600 meters. Based on the shape, there are coral reefs in the region can be classified into the types of coral reef edge (Fringing Reef) and the Barrier Reef. Coral reefs are developed along the coast around the island to the depths with the steep slope. Based on the percentage of coral rock closure, the condition of coral reefs around the island is generally quite good condition. Closing to this island live corals ranged from 5.16 to 65.34%. Damage to reefs in this region occurs mostly mechanical by human activities in the form of bombings rock for reef fishing. Land cover found on the island, including the forest (vegetation of stands with high density), shrubs, open land, open land with material sand beaches and coral outcrop, and coral found in shallow marine ecosystems (Shallow Water) / lagoon. With these conditions, the chance is very small for mangrove growth. Because of the living conditions in the coastal mangrove is relatively calm waves and the sandy loam base material (mud), whereas in the island, the basic material is dominated by a mixture of sand and rock.

The Beauty Underwater World Of Weh Island

A beautiful little island is located off the northern coast of Banda Aceh. Sabang city is on Weh Island, or is often called of the Sabang islands which has some beautiful beach location decorated with waving palm trees.

Weh Island, Aceh Snorkeling, Diving

Besides this island has a diving and snorkeling sites are attractive and also forest areas located in the center of the island. Island ring road is smooth, has built on this island that allows travelers visiting the tourist sites of nature with all its beauty and uniqueness. Most of the populations amounting to Pulau Weh 24,000 people live in the city of Sabang which is the largest city on the island. In the past, Sabang haven big ships and a coal depot and source of water for the steamer that crosses this area, but after the emergence of diesel engines after World War 2, the role of coal as an energy source for marine vessels is becoming obsolete and Sabang into a quiet town. In the 1970s, the government set Sabang as one of the free port of duty (free trade zone) in Indonesia and it is time to branch out in Sabang become rampant again. But in 1986 the status of Sabang as abolished free port of duty and the city returned to the fishing town. The only economic activity, other than fishing (fishermen); contained in Pulau Weh is the craft of rattan furniture.

Sumber :

Indonesia Map

Cultural Tourism And Travel

Sejarah Aceh

Aceh yang sekian lama bergelut dengan kata-kata konflik ata pertikaian dari DI-TII sampai Orde Baru masyarakat aceh meuchen akan kedamain, meuchen akan ketentraman, tapi itu semua hanya mimpi bagi masyarakat yang merupakan daerah modal bagi kemerdekaan Indonesia. harapan masyarakat aceh tampa terealisaisi sampai akhirnya Almarhum Tgk. Dr. Hasan Muhammad di Tiro mendeklarasikan Angkatan Gerakan Aceh Merdeka (AGAM) bertepatan tanggal 04 Desember 1976 di gunong Haimong Pidie. Harapan demi harapanburam rasanya masa depan Rakyat serambi mekkah ini, tahun demi tahun tampa ada sedikit perubahan. yang terlihat hanyalah pertikaian di setiap antero serambi mekkah ini. Allah mengabulkan Do'a rakyat aceh melalui musibah bersar pada 26 desember 2004 idatangkanNya Tsunami (SMONG), yang membuat masyarakat Internasional prihatin denga kondis yang dialami masyarakat aceh yang telah lama bergelut dengan konflik. sehingga dari pihak GAM yang dibawah kepemiminan Tgk. Dr. Hasan Muhammad di Tiro mewakila malek mahmud dan Presiden RI yang diwakili oleh Hamid Awaluddin. sejak disepakatinya perjanjian Damai Mou Helsingki pada 15 Agustus 2005 Alhamdulillah masyarakat serambi mekkah bisa menghirup udara damai.....damai....dan damai......semoga kita semua (Masyarakat ceh bisa meningkatkan SDA maupun SDM dan menjaga keutuhan kedamaian di nanggroe serambi mekka tercinta ini.